Disclaimer: This blog is for entertainment purpose and is in no way affiliated with Lynch/Frost Productions

Sunday, June 7, 2015

S3E1 - Part 7 (Final)

Here's the last section...

Cut to the Twin Peaks Sheriff’s station.  Lucy is on the phone with her sister.  Enter Dale Cooper (BOB) with Sheriff Truman.

Sheriff:           Lucy, get on the horn to Catherine Martell.  Tell her that we need to speak with her right away.  Have her come down to the station immediately.

Lucy:              Does this have anything to do with the mysterious appearance of Andrew?

Sheriff:           Never mind that now Lucy.  (Angrily) Just do what I said.

Cooper:          You’ll have to forgive Harry, Lucy.  It has been a rough 24 hours for all of us.  Lucy, why don’t you get some donuts and lots of coffee?  I think we have a long night ahead of us.

Lucy:              Right away.  (To phone) Gwen, I can’t talk now.  I’ll have to call you back later. 

Enter Sarah Palmer and Major Briggs

Major:            Lucy, is the Sheriff and Agent Cooper here?  We need to speak with them right away.

Lucy (sadly):  How come everyone wants everything right away? 

Major:            Are they here?

Cooper:          Major Briggs, Sarah, glad to see you.  What can we do for you?

Major:            Agent Cooper, I’m glad we found you.  Sarah has had another vision.  I think you will be interested in what she saw in this vision.

Cooper (worriedly):  Of course.  Come this way.  (To Lucy) Any word on those donuts and coffee yet.

Lucy (a little upset):  I’ll get them (mockingly) right away.

S3E1 - Part 6

Inside the Black Lodge.  Dale Cooper is trying to find his way out.

Dale:               There has got to be a way out of this place.  I must get to Annie before BOB does.

Laura:            Hello, Agent Cooper.  My cousin has told me about what you have done.  Do you want to know a secret?  I have lots of secrets.

Dale:               Laura, you must help me find my way out of here.  I'm afraid that the person who killed you will kill again.

Laura:            That is what my secret is.  My father is already here.

Dale:               I'm not talking about Leland.  I'm talking about BOB.  You know, "Fire walk with me".

Leland:           Do you want to play with fire little boy?

Laura and Leland disappear.  The Man from Another Place enters rubbing his hands together.

Man:               Garmanbozia.

Dale:               What? 

Enter Mrs. Tremond's grandson Pierre holding out his hands in the shape of a cup.  There is nothing in his hands.  Cooper looks at his hands again and this time they are full of cream corn.

Dale:               Who are you?

Pierre:            Je't un homme solitaire.

Dale:               Harold Smith.  Do you know Harold Smith?  Is he here?

Pierre:            Do you like magic tricks?  I can put a coin in your ear and it will disappear.

Dale:               Little boy, is Harold Smith here?

Pierre:            When I pull the coin out of your ear it will be gold.

Inside the Palmer house.  Sarah Palmer is sitting on the couch staring at the pictures of Leland and Laura on the mantel above the fireplace.

Sarah (crying):          Leland, Leland.  What have you done?  Why did you leave me here all alone?  Sarah is caught away in a vision of the Black Lodge.  She sees Laura, Leland, Maddie, and Agent Cooper. (Screaming) Noooooooooooooooooo!!!